Notice of Availability
Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
Seaport Sound Plant Modernization (LU20-0107)
Notice of Availability: Draft Environmental Impact Statement, LU20-0107
November 10, 2022
Lead Agency: City of Tacoma
Planning and Development Services
747 Market Street, Room 345
Description of Proposal: SeaPort Sound Plant Modernization
SeaPort Sound Terminal, LLC (SeaPort Sound) is proposing to demolish existing refinery equipment and replace it with new storage tanks and appurtenances at the SeaPort Sound Terminal located on the Hylebos Waterway. The SeaPort Sound Plant Modernization Project (Project) includes demolition of existing refinery equipment, installation of new storage tanks and containment system, as well as wastewater and stormwater improvements. The current storage capacity in the refinery area is approximately 15,000 barrels; the new tanks would have a capacity of about 181,000 barrels. While additional bulk fuels will be stored on site, the applicant is not seeking an increase in overall throughput for the facility. The purpose of the Project is to replace aging refinery infrastructure with new storage tanks, piping, and associated equipment, and safety and environmental protection measures, including upgraded wastewater treatment systems to meet functional, operational, and environmental needs at the terminal. Location of the Proposal The project would be constructed within the existing SeaPort Sound Terminal property at 2628 Marine View Drive in Tacoma, Pierce County parcel number 0321264046.
Alternatives SeaPort considered two alternatives, build and no-build. Within the “build” alternative, multiple scenarios were analyzed. As required, the Draft EIS also evaluates a “no action” alternative under which it is assumed that the development would not occur. Mitigation
The DEIS has identified numerous proposed mitigation measures including measures to address greenhouse gas emissions from project demolition and construction, as well as the distribution of products.
Appeal and Noticing This notice of availability is provided in accordance with the Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) of 1971, Chapter 43.21C of the Revised Code of Washington (RCW) as revised 1983, and SEPA Guidelines, Effective 16 January 1976 as revised 4 April 1984, Chapter 197-10, Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Appeal provisions will be contained and published in the final EIS.
Proposed Date of Implementation SeaPort Sound proposes to start site preparation work, including demolition, as soon as environmental review is complete. The preferred start date is first quarter, 2023. Availability of the Draft EIS and Background Materials The complete SeaPort Sound Plant Modernization Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) and Appendices can be downloaded from the project website at Copies of these documents are also available for review at: * City of Tacoma – Planning and Development Services Department
747 Market Street, Room 345 Tacoma, WA 98402
* Tacoma Public Library – Main Branch
The document may also be acquired in electronic format upon request from the Planning and Development Services Department at no charge. Physical copies can be acquired for the cost of reproduction from any reproduction or copy business by download from the city website or from an electronic copy. Draft EIS Comments You may submit written comments on the Draft EIS no later than December 15, 2022. Comments may be submitted to the Project Manager via mail or e-mail, as follows: Project Manager: Shirley Schultz, Principal Planner
Address: City of Tacoma, Planning and Development Services Department 747 Market Street, Room 345, Tacoma, WA 98402 Phone #: 253.345.0879 E-mail Address:
November 10, 2022