Tacoma Planning Commission accepting applications for Comprehensive Plan amendments through March 31


The City of Tacoma’s Planning Commission is accepting applications for proposed amendments to the One Tacoma: Comprehensive Plan and relevant development regulations, starting now through Friday, March 31, 2017.

This call for applications sets off the 2017-2018 amendment process, where the Commission will review and analyze proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and relevant development regulations as set forth in Title 13 of the Tacoma Municipal Code. The Commission will review applications through early 2018 and make appropriate recommendations to the Tacoma City Council for adoption of proposed amendments by June 2018.

Applications may be submitted by any entity, may be subject to an application fee, and must be submitted by March 31 to: City of Tacoma, Planning and Development Services Department, 747 Market Street, Room 345, Tacoma, WA 98402.

For more information or to download the application packet, visit online: www.cityoftacoma.org or contact Senior Planner Stephen Atkinson by email at satkinson@cityoftacoma.org or call 253-591-5531, or Senior Planner Lihuang Wung by email at lwung@cityoftacoma.org or call 253-591-5682.

  – City of Tacoma