When the producers of a Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) television documentary on the global economy decided to create a Web companion for the six-hour series, they came to the University of Puget Sound for help.
The people from WGBH television who created Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy found in the universitys International Political Economy (IPE) program the perfect environment for developing educational resources to accompany the video series.
Commanding Heights is based on the best-selling book by Pulitzer Prize winner Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw.
Puget Sound faculty from business, comparative sociology, economics, politics and government, and IPE contributed to the Web site. In fact, they wrote parts of it.
David Balaam, professor of politics and government, and Veseth are co-authors of the IPE textbook Introduction to International Political Economy, and several other faculty members contributed to the text.
Finally, the site credits nine academic advisors, and four are from Puget Sound: O’Neil, Jeffrey Matthews, assistant professor of business, Sunil Kukreja, associate professor of comparative sociology, and Veseth.
Commanding Heights airs on PBS stations during April and also may be viewed through the Web site at:
Learn more about the IPE program at:
Puget Sound faculty help shape PBS documentary Web companion
Tags: academic advisors, and Veseth, assistant professor of business, associate professor, Commanding Heights, Daniel Yergin, David Balaam, documentary Web companion When, IPE, Jeffrey Matthews, Joseph Stanislaw, professor of comparative sociology, professor of politics, Public Broadcasting Service, Puget, Sunil Kukreja, University of Puget Sound, Web companion, WGBH, www.pbs.org/wgbh/commandingheights, www.ups.edu/ipe