Pierce County Council
Regular Meeting
3 p.m., Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Room 1045
County-City Building
930 Tacoma Ave. South
Action on Ordinances
Proposal No. 2004-23, vacating a portion of 104th Street South right-of-way in the Northwest Quarter of Section 4, Township 19 North, Range 3 East of the Willamette Meridian, in the Midland area.
Proposal No. 2004-24, vacating a portion of Snellstrom-Bush County Road, 78th Avenue East and 232nd Street East located in Section 17, Township 18 North, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian, in the Graham area.
Proposal No. 2004-27, amending Chapter 10.24 of the Pierce County Code, Parking, to provide for impoundment of illegally parked vehicles on narrow streets; and setting an effective date.
Proclamations/Awards/ Appointments
Proposal No. 2004-63, recognizing and honoring the many contributions made to Pierce County by the Daffodil Festival and its royal court for the past 71 years.
Proposal No. R2004-64, confirming the reappointment of two members to the Pierce County Farm Advisory Commission. (Dick Carkner and Chris Wilcox)
Proposal NO. R2004-65, confirming the appointment of two new members to the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Corporation of Pierce County. (William L. Pugh and Andre Lukez)
Proposal No. 2004-19, declaring certain county-owned real property located at 5501 6th Avenue in Tacoma, Washington, as surplus; and authorizing the County Executive to pursue disposal of the property by sale pursuant to Pierce County Code Chapter 2.110.
Proposal No. R2004-27s, authorizing the Pierce County Executive to execute an interlocal agreement with cities and towns of Pierce County, thereby amending the Pierce County county-wide planning policies to update the centers designations of the Urban Growth Area section as recommended by the Pierce County Regional Council.
Proposal No. R2004-44, requesting the lodging Tax Advisory Committee to develop a plan of scheduled improvements to accommodate tourists or to promote tourism, and a financing plan, including bonding, to build the improvements; and submit such plans to the council and executive by August 1, 2004.
Proposal No. R2004-55, supporting the Pacific Avenue Redevelopment Task Forces strategy for revitalization of Pacific Avenue and declaring the councils intent to work with the task force, the state legislative delegation, the Washington Department of Transportation and the County Executive to obtain additional funds for incorporation of design enhancements in the states Pacific Avenue Road Improvement Project.
Proposal No. R2004-56, ratifying, as required by Pierce County Code 2.110.120, the sale of the surplus county-owned real property located at 5501 6th Avenue in Tacoma, Washington.
The May 18, 2004,Pierce County Council meeting will be held in Council District No. 6 at 5:30 p.m. in the Lakewood City Hall Council Chambers, 6000 Main Street SW, Lakewood, Washington. This meeting will be in lieu of the regular 3 p.m. meeting.