NOTICE-Collins Park

NOTICE-Collins Park


J. Scott Construction, 1830 – 112th St. E., Suite F., Tacoma, WA 98445, is seeking coverage under the Washington State Department of Ecology’s NPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges Associated with Construction Activities.

The proposed 14.2-acre project, known as Collins Park is located on the north side of 121st St., just west of the Tacoma Eastern Railroad at 1801 121st. St. E. in Tacoma. Approximately 10.6-acres will be disturbed for construction of erosion control, grading, roadway, storm drainage, sewer, water, utility, and landscaping improvements associated with the development of 144 townhome units (23 buildings). Approximately 5,000 cubic yards of structural fill will be imported; approximately 120,000 square feet of building footprints will be developed. Stormwater will be collected, conveyed, stored, treated and released using temporary erosion control BMP’s (filter fabric fencing, gravel construction entrances, sediment pond, temporary outlet structure; and slope protection) and permanent drainage improvements (catch basins, storm manholes, storm drainage piping, wetpond, detention pond, drainage control structure, and proprietary treatments units) prior to discharging toward adjacent watercourses that ultimately drain via approximately ¼ mile of ditches, to a tributary of the North Fork of Clover Creek. A small regulated wetland (Class II) will be filled. Any person desiring to present their views to the Department of Ecology concerning this application may notify Ecology in writing within 30 days from the last date of publication of this notice. Comments may be submitted to: Department of Ecology, Stormwater Unit, P.O. Box 47696, Olympia, WA 98507-7696. Dates of publication in the Tacoma Daily Index: 1st Notice – June 16, 2021; 2nd Notice – June 23, 2021. IDX-930106