City of Tacoma-LEGAL NOTICE


City of Tacoma – Large Scale Retail Conditional Use Permit, Variance and SEPA

Applicant: Centerpoint Integrated Solutions (for RPAI TACOMA SOUTH I LLC)

Proposal: A Conditional Use Permit, Variance and SEPA review for demolition of the existing buildings and construction of an approx. 79,000 sq. ft. Floor and Decor store. The variance request is to allow fewer than the required number of parking stalls. The site is located in the C-2 STGPD zone district.

Location: 7601 S. Hosmer Street Parcel Number: 0320297022

File Number: LU20-0040

The application will be reviewed pursuant to the Tacoma Municipal Code (TMC), including but not limited to, TMC Section 13.05.010.A.12 and the City’s Comprehensive Plan. A copy of the Public Hearing Notice and application documents may be viewed at and select “Public Notices”. The City of Tacoma does not discriminate on the basis of disability in any of its programs or services. Upon request, special accommodations will be provided within five (5) business days by contacting 591-5363 (VOICE) or 591-5070 (TTY).

The Tacoma Daily Index


Issue/Publication Date: May 8, 2020