Notice is hereby given that the Tacoma City Council, at its regular City Council meeting of Tuesday, December 8, 2020, passed the following ordinances. The summary of the contents of said ordinances, consisting of the title, are as follows: Ordinance No. 28721 An ordinance amending Chapter 1.12 of the Municipal Code, relating to the Compensation Plan, to implement rates of pay and compensation for represented and non-represented classifications and classification changes to reflect the organizational structure.
Ordinance No. 28722 An ordinance modifying the 2019-2020 Biennial Budget to appropriate funds for additional changes in transfers and other budget adjustments as well as appropriating additional estimated revenues.
Ordinance No. 28723 An ordinance amending the Heidelberg-Davis site, located in the vicinity of South 19th Street and South Tyler Street, from a Parks and Open Space land use designation to a Major Institutional Campus designation, as part of the 2020 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code, effective January 1, 2021.
Ordinance No. 28724 An ordinance amending Chapter 13.06 of the Municipal Code, relating to Zoning, by amending Section 13.06.070, entitled “Overlay Districts”, to establish a View Sensitive Overlay District – 20, with a 20-foot building height limit, and an area-wide rezone for specified areas within the View Sensitive Overlay District, as part of the 2020 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Use Regulatory Code, effective January 1, 2021.
Ordinance No. 28725 An ordinance amending Title 13 of the Municipal Code, relating to the Land Use Regulatory Code, by amending various chapters to adopt the minor plan and code amendments as part of the 2020 Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Regulatory Code, effective January 1, 2021.
The full text of the above ordinances may be viewed online at the following website, or at the Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market Street, Room 11. You may also request an electronic copy without charge, please contact the Tacoma City Clerk’s Office at (253) 591-5505. Doris Sorum, City Clerk IDX-915477
Published in the Tacoma Daily Index on Thursday, December 10, 2020.