CITY OF RUSTON-Notice of Application and Public Hearing

CITY OF RUSTON-Notice of Application and Public Hearing


Notice of Application and Public Hearing

The City of Ruston will hold a pub-

lic hearing before the Hearing Examiner on June 14, 2023 at 3:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, on a Conditional Use Permit (CUP23-041) submitted by Tim Skrivan, which proposes an existing residential unit as a short term rental unit at 5121 N Pearl Street, Ruston, WA 98407. The public hearing will be held vir-

tually. Please visit for meeting information. All members of the public may provide testimony on the proposal during the public hearing, or you may submit written comments prior to the public hearing. If you would like to view a copy of the application materials, including the proposed site plan, you will find them online at in the public notice section of the City’s website for application number “CUP23-041”.

Public comments or questions

may be submitted in writing to Charles McKenna, Associate Planner by e-mail at, or by mail at 5219 N Shirley, Ruston, WA 98407, up until the time of the close of the public hearing. Verbal testimony will be accepted at the public hearing.


May 31, 2023