City Council candidates' forum next Wednesday

The candidates in this year’s election for Tacoma City Council will come together for a Candidates’ Forum sponsored by the Asian Forum and League of Women Voters Tacoma-Pierce County on Wednesday, Oct. 8, from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Lincoln High School cafeteria in Tacoma.

The Asian Forum, a group of concerned citizens from the Asian Pacific communities in Tacoma/Pierce County, and the League of Women Voters Tacoma-Pierce County will sponsor the Candidates’ Forum.

The goal for the Candidates’ Forum is to give all of the candidates and everyone from the Asian Pacific communities in Tacoma the opportunity to come to together talk about issues for the future.

Anyone who has an interest in the mayor’s election and issues important to the Asian and Pacific communities in Tacoma is welcome.

Lincoln High School is located at 701 South 37th Street in Tacoma. The forum is open to everyone from the Asian Pacific communities and other interested citizens. For more information, contact Asian Forum Member Liz Dunbar at 253/927-6714 or via e-mail at

The Asian Forum is an informal group of people from the various Asian Pacific communities in Tacoma/Pierce County who meet regularly to discuss current issues of importance to their communities.