Case #: PUY-CV-NC-2021-0119-Name Change

Case #: PUY-CV-NC-2021-0119-Name Change

Case #: PUY-CV-NC-2021-0119

Nature of Case: Name Change

TO: Whom it May Concern Case Name: In re the name change of: Shannel Janzen PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Court of the Puyallup Tribe of Indians is in receipt of the petition of Shannel Nicole Janzen for an order changing his/her name to Shannel Nicole Squally-Janzen. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that any person or entity having objection to this petition for name change shall file a written objection with the Court, located at 1451 E. 31st St, Tacoma, WA 98404, within ten (10) days after the last date of the publication of this notice. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE the Court is closed to the public and all hearings shall be held via remote conference until further notice. You must contact the Court Administrator at (253) 680-5585 at least twenty-four (24) hours before your hearing to receive conference information. Copies of the case filings are available at the Court. If you have any questions, please contact the Court Clerk’s Office at (253) 680-5585.


December 21, 28, 2021, January 4, 2022