'Youth Explosion' this Saturday

Attention Tacoma area youth: Prepare for Youth Explosion 2004. Mark your calendars now for 1 p.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday, June 5, at the Tacoma Dome Exhibition Hall.

At the Youth Explosion, Safe Streets’ Youth Leading Change participants want you to get this message: Drop it like it’s hot – drugs, that is.

The event will include a break dancing contest, dance performances and informational booths from community organizations, as well as activities for young children and families.

Admission and parking are free. For more information, call 253/272-6824.
Safe Streets is a national leader in community organizing. In 1995, the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America honored Safe Streets with its Outstanding Urban Coalition Award, and former President Clinton also recognized the organization. Most recently, Safe Streets has been a leader in acquiring funds for statewide meth lab eradication and prevention and treatment efforts. Both private and public dollars support Safe Street’s community efforts. Learn more at www.safest.org.