Weather forecast delays SR 16 Jackson ramp closure

Due to predictions of rainy weather next week, construction staff working for Tacoma Narrows Constructors have decided to postpone the week-long closure of the westbound SR 16 Jackson Avenue on-ramp that was scheduled to start Monday morning. A tentative new date for the ramp closure is Monday morning, April 11. A confirmation news release with specific times and dates will be sent as that date approaches.

Dry weather is important for this closure, as crews will use the time to pave roadway connections from the existing westbound on-ramp to an improved westbound on-ramp built near the same location. The new westbound on-ramp at Jackson Avenue will have the same partial cloverleaf design the ramp currently has, but the curve of the ramp will be lengthened to accommodate more vehicles and to provide a more effective merge onto westbound SR 16.

Realigning this ramp is part of the overall roadway improvements included in the new Tacoma Narrows Bridge project.