1. Coffee and cross-base meeting scheduled for March 15
WSDOT project engineers will be on hand to discuss the proposed Cross-Base Highway (SR 704) project at an informal “Coffee and Cross-Base” community meeting scheduled for 4-6 p.m. Tuesday, March 15, at Camas Prairie Elementary School. The school is located at 320 East 176th Street in Spanaway. “These casual gatherings provide a great opportunity for us to meet people and discuss the project,” said Gordon Roycroft, lead design engineer. The public is invited to learn more about the proposed highway that would ease congestion on I-5, SR 512, SR 7, Spanaway Loop Road and 174th Street by providing an alternative east-west route through Fort Lewis and McChord Military bases. Informational brochures will be available. The next full SR 704 open house meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, at Woodbrook Middle School in Lakewood.
2. WSDOT to assist Clallam County PUD in tree removal along US 101
WSDOT will assist Clallam County PUD in the removal of trees along US 101 between Shore and Barr roads (milepost 258) from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 17. Trees will be removed on the eastbound, or south, side of the road, but both eastbound and westbound traffic could be stopped for short durations by flaggers during the tree felling. WSDOT will post Variable Message Signs east of Kitchen-Dick Road and west of Old Olympic Highway warning motorists of road work and expected 10-minute delays.
3. Learn more about Olympic regions Summer 2005 construction projects
Summer 2005 Olympic Region construction information describing WSDOT projects and possible traffic impacts is available at http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/regions/olympic/2005projects. To receive a Summer 2005 Construction brochure, call the Olympic Region Communication Office at (360) 357-3270.
4. Tacoma Narrows Bridge construction: Two seasons down, three to go
The Tacoma Narrows Bridge construction project has completed two full years and there are three more to go. Construction updates and images documenting the project are posted weekly at http://www.tacomanarrowsbridge.com. The Web site also provides general project information and a historical perspective on the Narrows Bridge. Individuals may request a brochure titled “Tolls and the New Tacoma Narrows Bridge,” by writing to: WSDOT Tacoma Narrows Bridge Office, 3214 50th Street Court NW, Suite 302, Gig Harbor, WA 98335. The brochure is also available in a printable format on the Web site.