Transue will head state community college association

Dr. Pamela Transue, president of Tacoma Community College, has been selected as President of the Washington Association of Community and Technical Colleges (WACTC) for 2009-2010. WACTC is the organization of community and technical college presidents. Its primary role is to develop policy recommendations for the State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) in Olympia, and for the state community college system. Dr. Transue replaces Don Bressler, president of Renton Technical College, who served as WACTC president in 2008-2009. Her term of service will be for one year.

Dr. Transue has been president of Tacoma Community College since 1997. She is on the board of the American Council on Education (ACE) serving as Board Secretary in 2006. She spent five years on the board of the American Association of Community Colleges, serving as Board Chair in 2001-02. She is past president of COMBASE, a national organization devoted to community-based education. At the local level, Dr. Transue serves on the board of United Way as a member of the Executive Committee, and was the 2002 Campaign Chair for Tacoma/Pierce County. She serves on the boards of the Tacoma-Pierce County Chamber of Commerce, the Fuchs Foundation, and the Richard Bangs Collier Pleneurethics Society. She also serves on the Economic Development Board for Tacoma/Pierce County, the Regence BlueShield Tacoma Advisory Board, and is a past member of the Rotary 8 and Greater Tacoma Community Foundation Boards.