
The Brain Power Protocol Reviews (Dr. Al Sears MD 30-Day Protocol)

The Brain Power Protocol is a new anti-aging brain support system created by Dr. Al Sears, MD.

The 30-day protocol explains how to flip switches in your brain by following proven, science-backed steps.

With just one hour of work, you can purportedly restore “decades of brain power” and enhance your brain’s ability to repair itself “no matter your medical history,” according to Dr. Sears.

Does The Brain Power Protocol live up to the hype? How does The Brain Power Protocol work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about The Brain Power Protocol and how it works today in our review.

What is The Brain Power Protocol?

The Brain Power Protocol is a 30-day brain support program available exclusively online through YouthFactorProtocol.com.

The program is targeted to older adults who want to protect their brain as they age.

Dr. Sears was motivated to create the protocol after leading a recent research study on a group of 200 memory patients. Dr. Sears told these patients to implement a “1 hour technology” into their daily lifestyle, and they experienced significant improvements in energy, mood, brain metabolism, and other measurements of cognitive health.

As part of a 2022 promotion, all Brain Power Protocol purchases come with a bonus eBook called The 1,000% Oxygen Booster. You get instant access to the protocol and eBook after buying the protocol online.

By following The Brain Power Protocol today, you can support cognition, transform brain health, and experience significant changes in brain metabolism, among other benefits, according to Dr. Sears.

How Does The Brain Power Protocol Work?

The Brain Power Protocol works by targeting the underlying cause of memory loss.

Over the 30 day protocol, you can implement specific strategies into your daily lifestyle to support brain health and memory without relying on drugs or surgeries, dealing with dangerous side effects, or relying on solutions from big pharmaceutical companies.

The core of The Brain Power Protocol involves a “one hour technology” that can purportedly change your brain in multiple ways. As proof, Dr. Sears shares before and after images of brain scans. Some patients had brain injuries. Others had experienced memory loss because of multiple strokes. After implementing the one hour technology in The Brain Power Protocol, all of these patients experienced significant results.

Here’s how the official website explains the benefits of The Brain Power Protocol:

“You can have the same young brain you once had with full clarity, sharpness, and memory recall.”

To do that, The Brain Power Protocol targets the hidden cause of memory loss: oxygen.

How Oxygen Impacts Memory Loss

The Brain Power Protocol targets oxygen to support brain health. According to Dr. Sears, oxygen is the hidden cause of memory loss – and many in the medical establishment ignore the role oxygen plays in memory loss.

Here’s how oxygen is connected to memory loss:

Oxygen only accounts for 2% of our body mass, but our brain uses 20% of our total oxygen supply.

The brain uses more energy than any other organ.

Your brain uses energy all of the time because neurons are constantly firing, carrying messages, and executing orders. All of this requires significant energy.

Your brain gets that energy in the form of glucose. Glucose fuels your brain and allows your brain to operate.

However, your brain cannot convert glucose into energy without oxygen. Glucose is the fuel of the brain, and oxygen is the engine that keeps the motor running.

Because of all of these factors, the brain depends on oxygen for strength and survival. Depriving your brain of oxygen makes it harder for your brain to repair and regenerate tissues. If you deprive your brain of oxygen for even a short period, it causes your brain to be asphyxiated.

The Lack of Oxygen Increases Brain Aging

When you don’t get enough oxygen, it contributes to brain aging.

As your body loses the capacity to intake oxygen and carry it to your brain, it leads to age-related memory loss.

Our bodies oxygen levels naturally decrease as we age for two reasons:

Oxygen Depletion Reason #1: Age: As you get older, your body absorbs less and less oxygen from the air you breathe. Over time, this causes your neurons to slowly starve to death. They’re unable to access the fuel they need, weakening your memory and worsening your cognitive sharpness.

Oxygen Depletion Reason #2: Environmental Factors: Dr. Sears claims oxygen levels have continued to plummet over time – especially in larger, industrialized cities. Global pollution, carbon emissions, the destruction of trees and rainforests, and other factors are all lowering oxygen levels in the environment. Even if you’re healthy, there’s less oxygen for you in the air you breathe, worsening brain health.

The Lack of Oxygen Increases Plaque Formation

Oxygen deprivation is also linked to plaque formation.

According to a study by the University of British Columbia, lack of oxygen accelerates the activation of a special gene called BACE1. This gene triggers the creation of amyloid plaque.

Plaque buildup, over time, contributes to age-related memory loss. Plaque is also associated with degenerative brain conditions.

Unfortunately, age lowers the amount of oxygen your body absorbs. Even if you eat right and exercise, your brain may have lower oxygen levels as it gets older.

By following the strategies in The Brain Power Protocol, you can increase your body’s oxygen intake, giving your brain valuable fuel.

Inflammation Also Contributes to Memory Loss

The Brain Power Protocol is designed to target another aspect of brain aging: inflammation.

When your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, it triggers runaway inflammation in your brain. Here’s how oxygen, inflammation, and brain health are connected:

The lack of oxygen triggers runaway inflammation in your brain, worsening brain health and memory problems

When your brain doesn’t get enough oxygen, it triggers the immune cells – the microglia – to attack the neurons

Normally, your brain’s immune cells patrol the brains, looking for signs of damage or infection and clearing away damage; they’re like a garbage cleanup crew for your brain

Without oxygen, however, your microglia become overactive and destructive; they release cytotoxins that trigger inflammation in the brain, and these toxins destroy synapses connected to nerve cells, weakening your brain’s ability to coordinate activity

Ultimately, this leads to a higher number of damaged neurons, increasing symptoms of age-related memory loss

All of this inflammation and lack of oxygen builds up over time to make aging worse. If you don’t address your lack of oxygen, memory could continue to decline. That’s why The Brain Power Protocol aims to help.

The Brain Power Protocol Teaches You how to Boost Oxygen Intake by 1,000%

We’ve explained the importance of oxygen for brain health. In The Brain Power Protocol, you can discover how to boost your body’s oxygen intake by 1,000%, dramatically increasing the fuel your brain needs to perform at maximum capacity.

The core of The Brain Power Protocol involves a one hour technology linked to oxygen in the brain. Dr. Sears also describes it as a “one hour oxygen trick” for its ability to revitalize the brain and enhance oxygen intake.

The oxygen trick involves targeting stem cells to maximize their rejuvenating properties. By giving your stem cells the oxygen they need, you can increase neurogenesis – the generation of new neurons from stem cells – in specific areas of the brain linked to memory.

In fact, Dr. Sears cites one study where mice who received this treatment had two times more brain cells than mice taking a placebo. These mice also had more precise and stronger memories, improved pattern separation, and better memory precision, among other benefits.

What Will You Learn in The Brain Power Protocol?

In The Brain Power Protocol, you get a done-for-you, week-by-week, step-by-step protocol explaining everything you need to know about increasing brain capacity by targeting oxygen and stem cells.

Some of the core topics covered in The Brain Power Protocol include:

  • Dr. Sears tested, refined, and optimized protocols clinically proven to improve memory in 30 days or fewer
  • A 1,000% oxygen booster you can perform at home to repair the underlying cause of all age-related cognitive decline
  • A 6-ingredient cocktail you can make to reactivate your body’s hidden ability to generate new stem cells in the brain
  • How a single spoonful of a memory-restoring miracle can start to work in just 3 hours
  • A beta-amyloid destroying discovery that won the Nobel Prize twice
  • Dozens of other virtually unknown therapies, technologies, and tricks to reverse your brain age by decades

Scientific Evidence for The Brain Power Protocol

Dr. Sears, MD recently conducted a large clinical trial to verify The Brain Power Protocol works. That study involved 200 volunteers from around the world. The volunteers implemented Dr. Sears’ one hour technology, then experienced significant benefits.

Here are some of the results of the recent study, according to Dr. Sears:

Linda, a 58-year old woman recently diagnosed with age-related memory loss, experienced a significant change after implementing the one hour protocol. It was like “her brain came back ‘online’,” explains Dr. Sears, and Linda experienced massive improvements in energy and mood. Despite experiencing rapid progression of her age-related memory loss over eight months, Linda could solve crossword puzzles, draw a correct clock face, and continue living without help. Linda’s brain metabolism also improved, helping her brain dissolve deadly plaques, clean out dead neurons, and revive new ones.

The average patient in the study was age 58. All 200 patients “suffered from the ravages of brain aging,” according to Dr. Sears. Some had brain damage. Others had experienced strokes. Some had age-related memory loss.

All 200 patients in the study experienced a dramatic recovery using Dr. Sears’ 1 hour technology.

According to brain scans, the 200 patients in the study, all around the average age of 58, had reached an average brain age of 41 years old after implementing the 1 hour technology. They had aged backwards by 17 years.

Dr. Paul Harch reviewed Dr. Sears’ work, describing it as “the first therapy to not only halt, but significantly improve cognitive health.”

Dr. Sears also cites 10+ studies on the official Brain Power Protocol website validating various claims, including the connection between oxygen and brain health.

One 2013 study found a connection between oxygen concentration and cognition in elderly patients. Researchers found people who received a higher supply of oxygen tended to have better cognitive ability and superior physiological responses to those with less oxygen intake. As blood oxygen saturation increased, heart rate decreased and cognitive function increased.

In a more recent study, researchers discovered a surprising connection between low oxygen and brain damage. Researchers found low oxygen was linked to inflammation, and this inflammation caused further damage to your brain. Although inflammation is designed to protect your brain and body, it could inhibit cognition because of this response to hypoxia (lack of oxygen).

What’s Included with The Brain Power Protocol?

As part of a 2022 promotion, Dr. Sears is bundling The Brain Power Protocol with 11 bonus reports and other materials, guides, and wellness tools.

Here’s what you get when you buy The Brain Power Protocol online today:

30 Day Brain Power Protocol: The core of The Brain Power Protocol is a 30 day program designed to increase oxygen intake to your brain, reduce inflammation, and increase stem cell activity for increased neurogenesis. In a clinical trial involving 200 patients – some with serious brain disease and other cognitive conditions – all 200 patients improved brain health in various ways using the one hour technology recommended in the program.

The 1,000% Oxygen Booster: Nature’s Brain ‘Miracle’ Is Now More Powerful: This book teaches you how to increase oxygen flow into your brain by 1,000%, which can have significant effects on performance, aging, and memory.

How to Take 21 Years Off Your Neurological Age: Does your brain make you feel older than you really are? In The Brain Power Protocol, you can discover how to take 21 years off your neurological age without surgeries, drugs, or side effects.

A Memory Restoring Miracle to Reverse Alzheimer’s: The Brain Power Protocol reveals a discovery by the Harvard Medical School’s Department of Nutrition that showed one spoonful of a specific ingredient starts to restore cognitive powers in as little as 3 hours with zero side effects.

A Nobel Prize-Winning Method for Destroying Beta Amyloid Plaque: Beta amyloid plaque is linked to degenerative brain disease and Alzheimer’s, among other brain conditions. In The Brain Power Protocol, you can discover how to use the power of oxygen to get rid of beta amyloid plaque. This discovery won the Nobel Prize twice.

4 Ways to Clear Plaque and Prevent It From Clogging Your Brain: Plaque buildup can worsen cognitive health. In The Brain Power Protocol, you’ll discover four ways to clear out the plaque clogging your brain without dieting, exercising, or spending a fortune on therapies.

How to Use Stem Cells to Generate New Brain Cells: Some people pay thousands for stem cell treatment. However, The Brain Power Protocol teaches you natural strategies to accelerate stem cell activity – like a 6-ingredient cocktail to rejuvenate your body’s ability to generate new stem cells.

What’s Fuelling the Alzheimer’s Epidemic: Dr. Sears believes big pharmaceutical companies have played a role in rising rates of Alzheimer’s because they make money from ineffective drugs. In The Brain Power Protocol, you can discover what’s fuelling the Alzheimer’s epidemic – and why the FDA has approved zero new Alzheimer’s drugs since 2003.

Why the FDA Outlawed a Cure for Alzheimer’s: Dr. Sears claims to be “defying the FDA” by revealing a cure for Alzheimer’s outlawed by the organization. That cure involves activating a “sleeping gene” inside your brain cells. By activating this gene, you can replace old, diseased cells with new, healthy cells.

How Ronald Reagan Used a Secret 8th Element to Beat Cancer: Ronald Reagan used a unique treatment program to beat cancer. In The Brain Power Protocol, you can discover how to use that same therapy to reawaken dead or dormant neurons and reverse brain damage.

11 Bonus Reports: All The Brain Power Protocol purchases also come with 11 free bonus reports explaining further details about how to support cognition and regenerate neurons by targeting oxygen and stem cells.

Immediate Access to All Materials: Your purchase grants you instant, digital access to all materials listed above. You can immediately access all of this from the dashboard, then download the guides to any device to read however you like.

The Brain Power Protocol Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

The Brain Power Protocol has strong reviews online from adults with all types of brain conditions, brain injuries, and health conditions. Many claim to have experienced significant improvement – or to have witnessed significant improvements in their loved ones – after using The Brain Power Protocol.

Here are some of the reviews and testimonials shared by customers online:

One of Dr. Sears’ patients, Keith, almost passed away in 2013 because of a multitude of health issues. He had two strokes and had symptoms of age-related memory loss. Despite only being 50, he felt like he was 80. He could barely walk, talk or stand. His memory “was all but wiped out.” After completing Dr. Sears’ protocol, he feels like he’s in his 20s again. He claims his “mind is sharp and memory is completely restored” thanks to The Brain Power Protocol.

Ex-NFL player and Hall of Famer Joe Namath attended the Sears Institute of Anti-Aging Medicine and claims Dr. Sears’ brain power technology rescued his brain. Namath’s physician claims his brain “just came back to life” after six months of therapy, and now Namath “thinks more clearly, sharper, and he feels and looks healthier than ever”

One 62-year old woman was in an assisted living facility. She needed help to bathe, dress, walk, climb stairs, and eat. After the brain therapy program, she experienced “remarkable” changes as verified by brain scans.

One child named Eden used the brain therapy program to repair her brain damage. At age 2, Eden fell into the family swimming pool and drowned, remaining underwater for 15 minutes. She wasn’t successfully resuscitated for another two hours. Eden had severe brain injury, including the loss of gray and white matter. She couldn’t speak, walk, or respond to voices. Doctors told Eden’s parents nothing could be done. Using the same one hour technology recommended by Dr. Sears, Eden regained her alertness, recovered her ability to move her arms and legs, and was back to “near normal.” Within six months, Eden was as healthy and happy as other kids in her preschool class, leaving doctors stunned.

Billy, an elderly man from Colorado, hadn’t spoken a word in nine months. After using Dr. Sears’ one hour technology, he “was a completely different person” and “back to his old self.” He started to joke around, jog, shovel snow, and regain his old life.

Overall, the official website is filled with testimonials and stories from clients who have experienced significant improvements to cognition after using The Brain Power Protocol.

The Brain Power Protocol Pricing

As part of a pre-launch promotion, Dr. Sears is selling The Brain Power Protocol at a reduced price today. When he offers the protocol to the general public, he plans to price it at $499.

Today, however, you can buy The Brain Power Protocol for just $49. Your purchase includes instant digital access to The Brain Power Protocol program.

Here’s how pricing works when buying the protocol online today:

The Brain Power Protocol (Instant Digital Access): $49

The Brain Power Protocol Refund Policy

The Brain Power Protocol is backed by a 90 day moneyback guarantee. Even if you request a refund, you can keep all the materials you received – as a thanks for trying the program.

To request a refund, contact the manufacturer within 90 days of your original purchase date.

About Sears University

The Brain Power Protocol is published by Sears University. Found online at SearsU.com, Sears University offers a range of guides and products created by Dr. Al Sears, MD.

Other popular Sears University products include Beating Syndrome Zero, The Primal Force Protocol, and PACE Masters, among others.

You can contact Sears University and the company’s customer service team via the following:

Dr. Al Sears MD travels over 20,000 miles around the world each year looking for new, natural healing secrets. Dr. Sears was also one of the first to be board-certified by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).

Today, in addition to running Sears University and Pure Radiance, he also operates the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine in Royal Palm Beach, Florida, where he has helped 25,000+ patients beat the effects of aging.

Final Word

The Brain Power Protocol is a brain health program featuring a 30-day plan for supporting cognition in various ways.

Marketed to older adults who are experiencing age-related memory loss and other cognitive issues, The Brain Power Protocol can purportedly increase the regeneration of neurons by activating stem cells and increasing oxygen intake.

To learn more about The Brain Power Protocol or to begin following the 30-day protocol today, visit the official website >>>


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