“Tacoma City Council Study SessionNoon, Tuesday January 25Room 16, Municipal Bldg. N.728 St. Helens AvenueTacomaPollutant DischargeThe City is seeking to renew its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit. The permit pertains to the City’s storm water management program.The Washington State Department of Ecology issues the permit every five years. Several changes need to be made to the City’s storm drainage ordinance to comply with the permit.Staff will incorporate Council comments into the ordinance and submit it to Ecology for review. It is slated to be ready for adoption in May.Major changes include:- Authorizing the Public Works director to develop and update the three-volume Storm Water Management Manual on an ongoing basis.- Incorporate 11 permit NPDES permit minimum requirements – controls for storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment sites including erosion, sediment, water quality, water quantity and source controls – which the City has already had in place since 1995.- Authorize development and implementation of an enforcement response plan for storm drainage polluters.- Authorize development and implementation of a maintenance and inspection program for private storm water systems.HUD HOPE GrantRepresentatives from the Tacoma Housing Authority and the architectural firm Torti Gallas and Partners will update the Council on plans to apply for a $35 million HOPE VI grant from the federal Housing and Urban Development Department.If the THA wins the grant, they plan to leverage other funding sources to get the $140 million to $150 million needed to revamp the Salishan public housing development along Portland Avenue in East Tacoma. Salishan – with 855 family units – is the largest family public housing development on the West Coast.Tacoma City Council Meeting5:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 25, 2000Room 16, Municipal Bldg. N.728 St. Helens AvenueTacomaGroup Care HomesThe Council will vote on an ordinance that would limit future work release centers and juvenile rehabilitation facilities to only heavy industrial areas.The City froze all permits for these facilities – except those located in M-1 light industrial zones – during the moratorium begun in February 1999.The Planning Commission has made recommendations that would only allow construction in areas of residentially buffered heavy industrial zones in the port area and only upon approval of new special permit conditions.The ordinance includes size restrictions of 16 residents. The change would not affect current facilities. Totem Marina SaleThe proposed sale of the Totem Marina property could lead to $1 million in marina renovations and a $20 million apartment or condominium complex along the Foss. The Council will take testimony and vote on the lease/purchase and sale agreement.Gateway Marine offered to buy Totem Marina – including the buildings and structures – from Moorage Associates. Gateway wants to lease and eventually purchase the property’s uplands – Foss Waterway sites 10 and 11.If approved, Gateway Marine would have 120 days to negotiate a development agreement with the Foss Waterway Development Authority. If they reach an agreement, the Foss board will bring the agreement back to the City Council this summer for approval.Environmental EducationTacoma’s Solid Waste, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Drainage utilities want to launch a mobile environmental education unit this spring.To help pay for the program, the Council will take testimony on accepting a $42,233 Public Involvement and Education grant from the Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team. The grant was awarded in December.Curriculum would focus on protection of salmon, reducing landfill waste, recycling, and protecting water quality.”
"Tacoma City Council Agenda News for Tuesday, January 25, 2000"
Tags: City Council, Foss Waterway Development Authority, Gateway, Housing and Urban Development Department, HUD HOPE, Major, Marina SaleThe, Moorage Associates, Municipal Bldg., N.728 St. Helens AvenueTacomaGroup Care HomesThe Council, Planning Commission, Public Works director, Puget, St. Helens AvenueTacomaGroup Care HomesThe Council, Tacoma Housing Authority, Torti Gallas, Totem Marina SaleThe, USD, Washington State Department, West Coast