“Second Closet Manager NamedThe Junior League of Tacoma has hired Karlyn Carlson as store manager of the organization’s thrift shop, The Second Closet.Carlson is a veteran in the thrift store business and had previously worked for Y’s Buys prior to its closing. She will handle all aspects of store management including merchandising, volunteer coordination and training, pricing and sales operations.Carlson’s experience in working with volunteer employees should prove beneficial as The Second Closet is staffed solely by volunteers. The store is located at 7 Tacoma Avenue North.District Court Presiding JudgeJudge Judy Rae Jasprica has been elected District Court No. One presiding judge for the year 2000 in Pierce County.Superior Court Presiding JudgeJudge Vicki L. Hogan continues in her second year as presiding judge for Pierce County Superior Court. The executive committee also includes Judge Thomas Felnagle, Marywave Van Deren, Frederick W. Fleming and John A. McCarthy.”
"South Sound Personnel News for February 2, 2000"
Tags: District Court, Frederick W. Fleming, John A. McCarthy, Judge, Judy Rae Jasprica, Karlyn Carlson, manager of the organization, Marywave Van Deren, Pierce County, Pierce County Superior Court, presiding judge, Second Closet Manager NamedThe Junior League of Tacoma, store manager, Thomas Felnagle, Vicki L. Hogan, Y's