Port launches contest to name new award

Are you the creative type? Then the Port of Tacoma wants your help in coming up with a name for a very special new award. At next year’s World Trade Center Tacoma’s Globe Award dinner, the Port of Tacoma will present a new award to a company that has made a positive impact on the Pierce County community while trading internationally. The award will focus on a company that “thinks globally and acts locally.” The company’s local action could include activities and projects aimed at improving the environment, supporting youth programs, etc. The Port is looking for ideas on what this award should be called. You can enter this contest by sending an e-mail with your suggestion, along with your name and phone number, to contest@portoftacoma.com. The person who enters the winning name will receive a Port of Tacoma golf jacket. Other awards that are given at this World Trade Center event include the Globe Award, the Marco Polo Award, and the George Francis Train Award. The contest closes Friday, 5 p.m. on March 3. The winning entry will be announced at the Port Commission meeting of April 20. For additional information on the contest, please contact (253) 383-9435.