Pierce County Council
3 p.m., Tuesday, October 1, 2002
Room 1045
930 Tacoma Ave. S.
Action on Ordinances
Proposal No. 2002-79s, amending Ordinance No. 2001-104s, which expands the franchise boundary area of the City of Bonney Lakes sanitary sewer franchise, by correcting the legal description.
Proposal No. 2002-80, declaring the county owned real property, located at 104th Street Southwest and 87th Avenue Southwest, in Lakewood, to be surplus and authorizing its sale, pursuant to Pierce County Code 2.110.
Proposal No. 2002-82, granting a supplemental franchise no. 1 to Spanaway Water Company, for location of water lines on certain county-owned rights-of-way.
Proposal No. 2002-83s, granting a nonexclusive franchise to the City of Gig Harbor, a municipal corporation, for location of water lines on certain county-owned rights-of-way; and authorizing the County Executive to execute the franchise.
Proposal No. 2002-92, amending Chapter 8.92 of the Pierce County Code, Dispositions of the Remains of Indigent Defendants, allowing the Department of Human Services to establish uniform rates for services.
Proposal No. 2002-99, approving the spending plan for the Parks and Recreation portion of the second real estate excise tax fund.
Proposal No. 2002-100, repealing Ordinance Nos. 2000-34S and 2000-35S, as amended; amending Ordinance No. 99-93S2, which amended Title 19A of the Pierce County Code, the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan, to delete area-wide map Amendment M-8 (Crystal Mount Resort & Meeks) and delete finding of fact no. 18; amending Ordinance No. 2000-17, which amends the Pierce County Zoning Atlas, to delete the designation of Crystal Mountain Resort as master planned resort; all pursuant to the final decision and order issued by the Central Puget Sound Growth Management Hearings Board in David and Meredith Kenyon and Gold Hill Community Club v. Pierce County and Dana Meeks and Associates, Inc. Case No. 01-3-0001.
Proposal No. 2002-101, placing the Karshner Building (Parcel No. 2960000170), located at 124 South Meridian, Puyallup, Washington, on the Pierce County Register of Historic Places; and adopting findings of fact.
Action on Resolutions
Proposal No. R2002-114, amending Resolution No. 2001-39s, which initiated the Summit-Waller, North Clover Creek Collins, Summit View Communities Plan, to indicate that the rural separator land use designation should be retained for all properties currently holding that designation; and to increase community planning board representation from the Summit-Waller community to seven members.
Message from the Executive
A message from the Executive transmitting the following Ordinance, which was approved and signed on September 16, 2002:
Ordinance No. 2002-78s, directing the Performance Audit Committee to engage the services of an independent consultant to conduct a performance review of Puget Sound Behavioral Health.
Proposal No. R2002-112, reappointing one existing commissioner (Michael Moran) to the Pierce County Service District No. 1, Ponderosa Estates Board of Commissioners, correcting the term expiration of another existing commissioner (Janice Harrison) by amending Resolution No. R99-136; and repealing Resolution No. R200-179.
This is an incomplete agenda. The Index prints as much as space allows.