Pierce County News: Pierce County Council

Pierce County Council Meeting
3 p.m., Tuesday, March 5, 2002
930 Tacoma Ave. S. Room 1045
Action on Ordinances
Proposal No. 2002-18, finding the proposed non-exclusive franchise and lease agreement between Pierce County and Sprint Spectrum, L.P., for wireless telecommunications antennae and equipment to be placed on property owned by Pierce County, which is located at 215 South 36th Street, Tacoma, Washington, and known as the Puget Sound Behavioral Health Building, to be in the public interest; setting forth terms and conditions accompanying the granting of the franchise; providing for the standards, conditions, rental amount and other terms of such occupancy; prescribing remedies for the violation of the provisions thereof; and authorizing the County Executive to enter into the franchise and lease agreement.
Proposal No. 2002-19, amending Sections 5.24.050 and 6.04.030 of the Pierce County Code relative to fees for kennels, catteries, grooming parlors, pet shops and pet licenses; and setting an effective date.
Proposal No. 2002-20, amending Chapter 14.20 of the Pierce County Code, Parks and Recreation Services fees, by amending fee schedules, adding new fees for Parks and Recreation activities and facilities; and establishing an effective date for the new fees.
Proposal No. 2002-21, repealing Chapter 19B.40 of the Pierce County Code (PCC), the Parkland Spanaway Community Comprehensive Plan; adopting a new Chapter 19B.40 PCC the Parkland-Spanaway-Midland Communities Plan; amending the Pierce County Comprehensive Plan, Title 19A PCC to incorporate the designations and policies of the Parkland-Spanaway-Midland Communities Plan; setting an effective date; and adopting findings of fact.
Proposal No. 2002-22, implementing the Parkland-Spanaway-Midland Communities Plan; amending Title 18 of the Pierce County Code (PCC), “Pierce County Development Regulations – General Provisions;” amending Chapter 18.A.25 “Zone Classifications and Use Tables” Chapter 18A.35 “Development Standards,” and Chapter 18A.75 “Use Permits”; Amending the Pierce County Zoning Atlas; adopting a new Chapter 18B.80, “Sign Design – Parkland-Spanaway-Midland”; adopting a new Chapter 18J.30, “Parkland-Spanaway-Midland Communities Plan Design Standards and Guidelines”; setting an effective date; and adopting findings of fact.
Proposal No. 2002-23, authorizing the approval of open space classifications under current use assessment on certain property within the unincorporated boundaries of Pierce County, in the Northeast Quarter of Section 8, Township 16 North, Range 3 East of the Willamette Meridian; and adopting findings of fact. (Application No. OS1-01, Mt. Rainier Radio Control Society, C/O William Bender-McKenna area)
Proposal No. 2002-24, authorizing the approval of open space classification under current use assessment on certain property within the unincorporated boundaries of Pierce County, in the Northeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 17 North, Range 2 East of the Willamette Meridian; and adopting findings of fact. (Application No. OS6-01, Richard and Kristy Eberly – McKenna area)
Proposal No. 2002-25, authorizing the approval of open space classification under current use assessment on certain property within the unincorporated boundaries of Pierce County, in the Southeast Quarter of Section 15, Township 19 North, Range 6 East of the Willamette Meridian; and adopting findings of fact. (Application No. OS7-01, Dorothy L. Bowman – Buckley area.)
This is an incomplete agenda. The Index prints as much as space allows.