NO. 5Z803047C NOTICE OF HEARING FOR NAME CHANGE PIERCE COUNTY DISTRICT COURT STATE OF WASHINGTON Regarding the Name Change of Eric Xavien Mitchell, Minor(s) By: Yasmeen Nicole Butler, Parent/Guardian THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DIRECTED TO: Eric Charles Mitchell YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that pursuant to RCW 4.24.130, the mother/ father/ legal guardian of the above named minor child(ren), has filed a Petition to Change the Name of Eric Xavien Mitchell TO Eric Xavien Butler The hearing on this matter shall be on April 23, 2015, at 9:00 AM 930 Tacoma Avenue S., Courtroom 127, Tacoma, Washington. FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THIS HEARING MAY RESULT IN THE GRANTING OF THE NAME CHANGE OF THE ABOVE LISTED MINOR(S). DATED 3-26-15 FILE YOUR RESPONSE WITH Pierce County District Court 930 Tacoma Ave. S., Room 239 Tacoma, WA 98402 (253)798-6311 March 27, April 3, 10