No: 13-2-06446-0 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF PIERCE PAM CATLETT, an individual, Plaintiff, v. TRUE INNOVATIONS INC., a Delaware State Corporation, d/b/a TRUE INNOVATIONS a Washington State Corporation , Defendant, TO: THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, and TO: TRUE INNOVATIONS 1NC., DEFENDANTS. You are hereby notified that Pam Catlett has filed a complaint against you in said court which will come on to be heard in Pierce County Superior Court, in Pierce County, State of Washington, on the 14th day of August, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. You must respond to the complaint by stating your defense in writing, and serve a copy upon the undersigned attorney for the plaintiff within 60(sixty) days, or the same will be taken as confessed and the demand of the plaintiff granted. The object and demand of said complaint is for damages incurred by plaintiff when a chair manufactured by defendant, True Innovations, Inc., broke causing severe injuries to Plaintiff. The plaintiff prays for judgment against defendant in an amount to be proven at time of trial, August 14, 2014. Complaint filed February 14th, 2013. This summons is issued pursuant to Rule 4 of the Superior Court Civil Rules of the State of Washington and RCW12.04.100. DATED this 19th day of March, 2013. Vail Cross-Euteneier & Associates By /s/JENNIFER M. CROSS-EUTENEIER Attorney for Plaintiff 819 Martin Luther King Jr. Way PO Box 5707 Tacoma, WA 98415-0707 (253) 383-8770 Phone March 21, 28, April 4