My Two Cents: Waffling Kerry as president a scary thought

I find John Kerry frightening, and not because he’s a lumbering sort with a head that resembles a well-coiffured Easter Island statue. Rather, what I find disturbing is the prospect of the junior senator from Massachusetts becoming president of the United States, which is a distinct possibility, given the fact he is the presumptive Democratic nominee.

Taking a critical look at Kerry’s public record – which is not the equivalent of questioning his patriotism – reveals a man who is consistently inconsistent. Kerry is like a windsock; he goes in whatever direction the political winds are blowing. In short, this guy has more positions than the Kama Sutra.

On a variety of major issues, Kerry’s shifting stands show he has perfected the art of the flip-flop:

– Defense: He voted against the 1991 war to expel Iraq from Kuwait. He voted for last year’s invasion of Iraq, but then bashed President Bush’s decision to go to war, later voting against funding operations in Iraq.

– Intelligence: Kerry sponsored a bill to cut $1.5 billion from the CIA’s budget for intelligence gathering. After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks he questioned why U.S. intelligence wasn’t better.

– Patriot Act: Kerry rants about how the act violates civil liberties. In fact, he voted in favor of the Patriot Act.

– Kyoto global warming treaty: Kerry criticizes Bush’s withdrawal from the treaty. But in 1997, Kerry was part of a 95-0 vote for a resolution saying the U.S. should not be a signatory to the treaty.

– Education: The “No Child Left Behind” act Bush signed in 2002 that Kerry routinely denounces? Kerry voted for it.

– Gay marriage: Kerry voted against the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, claiming he opposed gay marriage but was in favor of civil unions. However, he said he agreed with the Massachusetts Supreme Court’s recent decision which has been widely construed as saying civil unions aren’t enough and that gay marriage is required.

Kerry’s waffling is especially disconcerting when it comes to defense policy, in light of the fact that we are at war against fanatical Arab-Islamic terrorists who want to destroy us. Having someone in the White House who is indecisive when it comes to the use of military force when necessary would send the absolute wrong message to our terrorist enemies. Ask yourself this: Who do you think al-Qaida and other terrorist networks want to see elected president of the United States this November?

“My Two Cents” is a weekly column where the author – who thinks Kerry would agree and disagree with this piece – gets in his two cents worth in spite of the old saying that states you only get a penny for your thoughts.