IFC official to speak at WTC Tacoma event later this month

On Friday, Sept. 29, learn how your organization might collaborate with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) the world’s largest multinational source of finance for private sector projects in developing countries.
Guest speaker Mark Constantine, IFC North America Business Development Officer, will share insight into this organization that has annually invested between $3.5 and $4 billion of its own resources in support of projects valued at $15-20 billion around the world.
Join the World Trade Center Tacoma at the Tacoma Club, 16th floor of the Wells Fargo Building for “Investing in a Global Market,” providing a glimpse into the global investments of IFC.
For reservations, call the World Trade Center Tacoma at 253/383-9474 or register on line at www.wtcta.org/html/upcoming_events.htm.
The cost is $20 for prepaid members, $25 for prepaid nonmembers and $30 at the door.
IFC invests in business enterprises run on a for-profit basis in the developing world to help promote private sector development.
IFC provides loans and equity financing, syndicates loans with commercial banks, and further supports the growth of private enterprise through the provision of advisory services and technical assistance.