Nomination forms are now available to nominate volunteers for the Tacoma City Council’s 20th annual 2006 City of Destiny Awards. Nominations will be accepted through Feb. 3. These yearly honors promote the importance of community service and recognize individuals and groups who make outstanding contributions to Tacoma.
“Once again, the City of Tacoma has a wonderful opportunity to publicly thank some of the people who help make Tacoma a great place to live,” said Mayor Bill Baarsma. “And our volunteers are an important part of that group.”
You can nominate adults in the following categories:
— Leadership: Honors the volunteer who provides leadership that inspires others to help meet a need in the community.
— Sustained Service: Honors the volunteer who provides dedicated service over an extended period of time to benefit the community.
— Neighborhood Group or Community Partnership: Honors the group of volunteers that demonstrates teamwork in a project that benefits the community.
— Corporation, Business or Entrepreneur: Honors the corporation, business or entrepreneur instrumental in developing or supporting community or environmental programs. Criteria for this category include programs initiated by management, voluntary participation and involvement of employees in community activities.
— Employee or Union Group: Honors employees of businesses, unions, or governmental entities instrumental in developing or supporting community programs. Criteria for category include programs initiated by employees, voluntary participation and involvement of employees in community activities.
You can nominate youth (up to age 18) in the following categories:
— Leadership: Honors the young volunteer who provides leadership that inspires others to help meet a need in the community.
— Service: Honors the young volunteer who has provided a vital service to others that often goes unnoticed.
— Youth/Young Adult Group: Honors the group of young volunteers that has demonstrated extraordinary initiative and originality in creating, designing, organizing or reinvigorating a program or project to respond to community needs and create positive social change.
The City Council will present the City of Destiny Awards to the winners and recognize nominees at a special ceremony Tuesday, May 23, 2006, in the Jason Lee Middle School Auditorium.
The nomination period closes Feb. 3. At that time, the City Council Appointed Citizens Recognition Committee, made up of volunteers representing neighborhoods, labor, education, social service and business, will review the nominations and select the winners.
To obtain a nomination form, call the City’s Community Relations Office at (253) 591-5790, or stop by the office, 733 Market St., Room 11, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. You can download a copy of the nomination form from the City of Tacoma’s Web site at You can also pick up nomination forms in the City Clerk’s Office, Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market St., Room 220.