City of Tacoma-SEPA File #LU22-0124

City of Tacoma


SEPA File #LU22-0124 – City of Tacoma (City) Tideflats Subarea Plan and Planned Action EIS

Description of the Proposal: The proposed project involves development of an innovative, area-wide subarea plan for Tacoma’s Tideflats, which will become an optional element of the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Planned Action Environmental Review: A planned action environmental review involves detailed State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) review and preparation of EIS documents in conjunction with sub-area plans, consistent with Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43.21C.031, RCW 43.21C.440, and Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11-164 through WAC 197-11-172. Completing a non?project EIS presents a cumulative impact analysis for the entire subarea rather than piecemeal analysis of the environmental impacts and mitigation on a project?by?project basis. As a result, the environmental impacts and mitigation are comprehensively evaluated at the subarea?wide level. Such up-front analysis of impacts and mitigation measures then facilitates environmental review of subsequent individual development projects. The City would not make a threshold determination and may not require additional environmental review, for a future development proposal that is determined to be consistent with the planned action ordinance. This will provide certainty and predictability for both development proposals and the community, streamline the environmental review process within the subarea, and encourage the goals of SEPA and the State’s Growth Management Act (Chapter 36.70A RCW). Community members, agencies, and tribes are encouraged to participate and provide comment during this planned action environmental review effort while the evaluation is under preparation since it will guide future development proposals and future threshold determinations would be limited. Alternatives: This Draft EIS analyzes four alternatives, including a No Action Alternative and three Action Alternatives. The alternatives include ideas to be analyzed that would lead to development of a Preferred Alternative. The three Action Alternatives are measured against the baseline assumptions in the No Action Alternative. The alternatives are described in more detail on the project webpage found at Availability of the Draft EIS and Background Materials: The Draft EIS is available online at the City of Tacoma webpage: Printed copies of the Draft EIS will be available for review at: 747 Market Street, 3rd Floor Permit Counter, Tacoma, WA 98402 (available Mon-Thurs 9 AM-1 PM).

Virtual Draft EIS Public Meeting April 24, 2024, 6:00 pm PST: A public meeting is scheduled at 6:00?pm PST, Thursday, April 25, 2024, on Zoom: The purpose of the meeting is to receive verbal comments on the Draft EIS from the public and interested parties. A court reporter will be in attendance to transcribe comments. Submittal of Written Comments: Written comments may be submitted to the City of Tacoma by May 23, 2024, at 5:00 pm PST. Comments may be submitted online at, by email at, or by mail to Planning, 747 Market Street, Room 345, Tacoma WA 98402. For more information on how to provide comments and participate in the public scoping meeting, visit or email Stephen Atkinson, Principal Planner, at IDX-994351

April 9, 2024