NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Fircrest has received an application for a preliminary site plan review for a mixed-use development with 389 residential units, ground floor retail, and park spaces. The project address is 2119 Mildred Street, Fircrest WA. Applicant: Graves & Associates,
3110 Ruston Way STE E, Tacoma, WA 98402
The public is invited to comment on the proposal beginning July 19, 2022, and ending August 9, 2022, at 5:00 PM. Copies of the application materials are available for public review at City Hall and on the website ( Staff will consider comments received by the deadline while preparing a staff report on the proposed project. Written comment may be sent to: Jayne Westman, Planning/Building Department, 115 Ramsdell Street, Fircrest, WA 98466; phone: 253.564.8901; email:
A public hearing date has not been set. Property owners within 500 feet of the site and those that comment will be notified of the hearing date and time.
July 26, 2022