City of Destiny Awards takes center stage at study session

City Council members are scheduled May 6 to receive a briefing on the 22nd annual City of Destiny Awards Ceremony, which will be held on May 13 at Jason Lee Middle School. As a second item on the agenda, the Private Capital Division will present information about the Local Infrastructure Financing Tool (LIFT) Competitive Program application; the tool is funded through the Washington State Community Economic Revitalization Board. The City can apply for up to $1 million annually of state funds over 25 years to be invested for infrastructure improvements such as — parking structures, right-of-way and streetscape improvements, utility infrastructure and storm drainage uses — all of which are required to be within the designated revenue development area.
The Council study study session occurs noon Tuesday in the Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market St., Room 16. Audio from the session will be broadcast live on TV Tacoma and on http://www. .