Broadnax presents proposed $3.25 billion city budget

Tacoma City Manager T.C. Broadnax presented his proposed 2017-2018 biennial budget on Tuesday, Oct. 4, outlining his recommended plan to enhance public safety, address deferred maintenance and infrastructure needs, and expand key services for Tacoma and its residents over the next two years.

T.C. Broadnax, Tacoma City Manager
T.C. Broadnax, Tacoma City Manager

The proposed budget is $3.25 billion, of which $460 million is allocated to the general fund. Through careful financial management, use of recurring revenues to fund recurring expenditures, and targeted reductions, the proposed budget is balanced and allows the city to maintain or expand current levels of service.

“The City of Tacoma’s 2017-2018 proposed biennial budget reflects a continued commitment to strong financial responsibility, and is a framework for how the city plans to use its resources to serve the community,” said Broadnax.

Details about budget are available online at:

City council budget work sessions

Community members interested in learning more about the budget are encouraged to attend one of the upcoming city council budget work sessions, which will be held at noon in the Tacoma Municipal Building (747 Market St., 1st floor, council chambers).

Oct. 11: Capital budget, public works, Tacoma venues & events (formally public assembly facilities), planning and development services.

Oct. 18: Tacoma Public Utilities and environmental services.

Oct. 25: General fund revenues and cost drivers, police, fire.

Nov. 1: Municipal court, community and economic development, library, neighborhood and community services, internal services.

Nov. 8: 2017-2018 proposed biennial budget wrap-up.

Nov. 15: 2017-2018 proposed biennial budget wrap-up (if needed).

Public hearings

Community members can also provide input on the proposed budget at an upcoming public hearing on Nov. 1 and Nov. 8.  Both public hearings will be held at 5:30 p.m. in the Tacoma Municipal Building (747 Market St., 1st floor, council chambers).

Community budget meetings

There will be three community budget meetings:

Oct. 10: Wheelock Student Center Rotunda, University of Puget Sound (1500 N. Warner St.), 6-8 p.m.

Oct. 12: Fire Station No. 8 (4911 S. Alaska St.), 6-8 p.m.

Oct. 26: Lincoln High School (701 s. 37th St.), 6-8 p.m.

– City of Tacoma