Brame named in sexual harrasment complaint

A female officer on the Tacoma police force has filed a complaint against the city alleging that David Brame, who fatally shot his wife last month before committing suicide, sexually harassed her while on the job.

The complaint was filed early last week with the city’s Human Resources Department, according to a story published in The News Tribune.

The department’s director, Phil Knudsen, declined to identify the officer who brought the complaint or to comment on any details of the case.

The complaint was filed under the Federal Civil Rights Act, The News Tribune reported.

The latest allegations against Brame, who was accused of date rape in 1988 by another city employee, add another level of controversy to a case that has left the city of Tacoma in turmoil.

Since the April 26 shootings that left Brame dead and his wife, Crystal, fatally wounded, the city manager, an acting police chief and the president of the police union have all been placed on administrative leave pending investigations.