Bradley Anderson serves as page

Each week during the legislative session, students come to Olympia to learn firsthand about the legislative process. Tacoma resident Bradley Anderson recently served as a Senate page for one week in Olympia. Sponsored by state Sen. Rosa Franklin (D-Tacoma), Anderson, age 15, learned how the Legislature and its various committees operate.

Anderson, the son of Jeffrey and Rachael Anderson, is home-schooled. He enjoys basketball, swimming, art scouts and playing the trumpet.

“I feel like I would like to get into [politics],” Bradley said. “I would like to learn about the other branches of government. It’s a good fit for me.”

While working in Olympia, pages spend two hours every day in the Page School. During school they learn about the state legislature, write their own bills, conduct budget and legislative simulations and hear presentations from guest speakers.

Pages provide an invaluable service to legislators by delivering messages to the floor of the House and Senate, relaying documents throughout the Capitol Campus and presenting the flag during floor sessions.