The City of Tacoma’s Human Services Commission has announced its recommendations to direct approximately $5.4 million toward 54 organizations and projects that aim to help residents on a variety of social services fronts.
In reviewing funding applications, the commission and two community experts focused on three strategic priority areas: increasing employability and self-sufficiency for adults; meeting the basic needs of Tacoma residents; and preparing children and youth for success. Within these three strategic priority areas, seven service categories were considered: economic stabilization; self-sufficiency; housing stabilization; access to basic services; youth development; at-risk youth; and gang prevention and intervention. Scores were given based on how well a proposed project addressed a priority need, quality of service proposed, ability to evaluate service outcomes, past project performance and proposed budget. Organizations were scored based on how well a proposed project addressed a priority need, quality of service proposed, ability to evaluate service outcomes, past project performance and proposed budget.
A complete list of the organizations, projects, and recommended funding is available online here.
Tacoma City Council’s public safety, human services and eduction committee was briefed on the recommendations Thursday. Tacoma City Council is tentatively scheduled to be briefed on the recommendations during a study session on Tues., Dec. 11, and vote on the recommendations during its meeting on Tues., Dec. 18.