Tacoma schedules charter review public hearing

A special meeting of the 2014 Charter Review Committee will be held on Mon., Feb. 10, at 5:30 p.m. in the Tacoma Municipal Building Council Chambers, 747 Market St., First Floor, to gather public comment and recommendations from residents for changes to the Tacoma City Charter. The Tacoma City Charter is the city’s constitution, and it is reviewed every 10 years by the Charter Review Committee.

Members of the public will have three minutes to address the Charter Review Committee. This public hearing will be one of many opportunities for residents to share ideas about the Tacoma City Charter with the Charter Review Committee.

The Charter Review Committee will spend the next four months reviewing the Tacoma City Charter and will make recommendations for changes to the Tacoma City Council for their consideration.

More information is available online at cityoftacoma.org/charterreview.

To read the Tacoma Daily Index’s complete and comprehensive coverage of Tacoma’s charter review, click on the following links: