Downtown to Defiance event celebrates Open Streets on Sept. 10

On Sunday, September 10, from 9 AM to 2 PM the City of Tacoma and Metro Parks Tacoma will host the fifth annual Sunday Parkways event, Downtown to Defiance. This family-friendly event is free to attend and opens almost seven miles of roadways to human-powered transportation.

The course runs along the Foss Waterway and Commencement Bay, from downtown at South 21st Street Park at the Foss Esplanade, along Dock Street, Schuster Parkway, and Ruston Way to the end of the Waterwalk near Point Defiance Park. Participants are once again invited to join the event at any point and travel as far as they choose, with many opportunities to stop and enjoy food trucks, a skateboard park, bubble soccer and other activities along the way.

Pre-registration is encouraged, but not required. On the day of the event, participants can visit the registration booth and receive a Downtown to Defiance drawstring bag along with a schedule of the day’s events, available while supplies last. For more information or to register today, visit

The event is sponsored in part by U.S. Bank, The Russell Family Foundation’s Puyallup Watershed Initiative, MultiCare, Tacoma Washington Bicycle Club, Downtown On the Go, and Pierce Transit. In addition, this event is part of the City’s Green Events Program with environmental sustainability in mind, and will provide recycling stations and water fountains to limit waste from disposable bottles.

– City of Tacoma