Update to Landmarks Preservation Ordinance leads study session

City Council members are scheduled to hear a presentation on proposed changes to the City’s Landmarks Preservation Ordinance during the Sept. 27 study session. The draft ordinance would rescind and readopt sections of the Tacoma Municipal Code covering the Landmarks Commission and historic preservation. During the Sept. 27 session, council members are also scheduled to hear an update on the City’s plan of action to address animal care and control. The City of Tacoma will assume the responsibility of providing animal care and control services beginning Jan. 1, 2006, following the announcement earlier this year that the Tacoma-Pierce County Humane Society will discontinue animal control services at the end of the year. The public may attend the noon study session in Room 16, Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market St., but the Council will not take public comment. CityPost (Channel 85 on Click!, Channel 77 on Comcast) will air the audio portion of the session live. Replays of the study session audio may be heard Wednesday nights at 7 p.m. on CityPost (Channel 85 on Click!, Channel 77 on Comcast).