The City of Tacoma’s Urban Forest Project is seeking tree-themed banner designs which will be “planted” as part of a forest of thoughtful images in downtown Tacoma. The deadline for submissions is Feb. 21, 2011. Selected artists will be notified the week of Feb. 28, 2011. As many as 90 banners are expected to be chosen and made into banners, which will be hung during April and May as part of Tacoma’s Arbor Day celebration. The banners will create a forest of tree-themed art banners growing from Fireman’s Park to the Brewery District. The winning banners/artists will be showcased with artist bios on the project website. Artist names will also be included at the base of each banner they design. Professional, student and amateur artists, designers and architects from Tacoma and the greater Puget Sound region are invited to submit designs. Individuals may submit more than one design. To learn more about the Urban Forest Project, see “News & Events” at or contact urban forester Ramie Pierce at (253) 591-2048. For more information about the Urban Forest Project, please visit
Tacoma's Urban Forest Project deadline extended