Tacoma Power: Tour Mossyrock Dam May 7

The Mossyrock Dam Open House on May 7 gives people a chance to walk across Washington state’s tallest dam and get up close to a generator in a hydroelectric powerhouse. Tours start at the Mossyrock Bus Barn, 545 Williams Street, and will run every 15 minutes from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tacoma Power does not charge a fee to attend, but asks people to bring non-perishable food for admission. Tacoma Public Utilities’ volunteer program, Community Connection, aims to host a record-breaking food drive at the Open House to support the Lewis County Food Bank Coalition. Some of the most useful donations include peanut butter, canned tuna and baby formula. On the dam tour, people will experience stunning views from the top of the dam; learn how Tacoma Power generates clean, renewable electricity for more than 78,000 Northwest homes; and enjoy snacks and an opportunity to participate in activities during the stop at Mossyrock Park. Tours will be limited to the first 1,200 people. To get there, take Interstate-5 South to Exit 68 and head towards Mossyrock. For more information, visit http://www.tacomapower.com .