Tacoma Daily Index Top Stories — July 2014 August 1, 2014 8:25 am Tags: July 2014, Tacoma Daily Index, Top Stories The Port of Tacoma plans to expand its operations by demolishing a building on the tide flats that served as one of Brown & Haley's warehouses for more than 40 years. (FILE PHOTO BY TODD MATTHEWS) Here are the top five stories read by visitors to the Tacoma Daily Index‘s Web site during the month of July, according to Google Analytics: 1. Shaw House: A Tacoma architect’s home and idea lab could soon be a local historic landmark (Tacoma Daily Index, July 17, 2014) 2. Former Brown & Haley warehouse could be razed by year’s end (Tacoma Daily Index, July 24, 2014) 3. City of Tacoma to close East 11th Street Puyallup River Bridge (Tacoma Daily Index, July 1, 2014) 4. WSDOT plans milestone Puyallup River Bridge relocation (Tacoma Daily Index, July 1, 2014) 5. Ribbon-cutting planned for ‘refreshed’ Roberson Condos in downtown Tacoma (Tacoma Daily Index, July 8, 2014) Tags: July 2014, Tacoma Daily Index, Top Stories