Tacoma completes eco-friendly road project on Alaska Street

The City of Tacoma will mark the completion of its latest eco-friendly road construction project during a ribbon-cutting ceremony next week.

The Alaska Street Roadway Project has been billed as a “green” project because it includes elements of the complete streets guidelines, a plan that aims to provide street designs that safely, comfortably and appropriately accommodate all users and transportation modes; foster a sense of place in the public realm; and reduce environmental impacts.

The project on Alaska Street, which included a 5,400 foot section that stretched from South 56th to South 72nd Street, involved the installation of sidewalks, curb ramps, bike lanes, street lights; landscaping pervious concrete pavement and pedestrian islands; replacing storm lines, sanitary sewer and power lines; and the installation of porous concrete and infiltration trenches. The project is located near the Tacoma Mall and aims to promote access to the park and ride lot located at South 56th Street and Alaska Street.

Most of the funding for the $6 million project was provided by a grant from the Washington State Department of Transportation. WSDOT’s Transportation Improvement Board awarded a $5 million grant, and the City of Tacoma provided a 20 per cent local match, according to the City of Tacoma’s project Web site.

The ribbon-cutting ceremony is scheduled for Weds., Aug. 29 at 9:30 a.m. on Alaska Street near the intersection of Wapato Hills Park and South 72nd Street. More information is available online here.

The City of Tacoma will mark the completion of its latest eco-friendly road construction project during a ribbon-cutting ceremony next week. (IMAGE COURTESY CITY OF TACOMA)