Tacoma City Council to discuss Comprehensive Plan, Land Use Code amendments

Tacoma City Council is scheduled to meet Tuesday at City Hall to review the Planning Commission’s recommendations for amending Tacoma’s Comprehensive Plan and Land Use Code. City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the issue on Tues., May 21, and consider first and final readings of adopting ordinances on Tues., June 4 and Tues., June 11, respectively.

Councilmembers will not take public comment during the study session, which will be held on Tues., May 14 at 12 p.m. in Room 16 of Tacoma Municipal Building North, 733 Market St. Audio from the meeting will be broadcast live on TV Tacoma and online at tvtacoma.com. On-demand audio archives are available on the Web within 24 hours of the meeting online at tvtacoma.com.