Special needs housing focus of study session agenda

City Council members are scheduled during the Aug. 7 study session to review the Planning Commission’s recommendations for the proposed revisions to the Land Use Regulatory Code concerning special needs housing. The proposed amendments are in response to a draft settlement agreement between the City and three parties that appealed the City’s regulations that were adopted in 2006. City Manager Eric Anderson is also scheduled Aug. 7 to provide the City Council with a downtown parking and transit update. Additionally, under other items of interest, members of the Council are scheduled to continue the mid-biennial budget discussions from the study session on July 24.
The Council will not take public comment during the noon study session in the Tacoma Municipal Building North, Room 16. CityPost (Channel 21 on Click!, Channel 77 on Comcast) will broadcast the audio portion of the session live. Replays of the study session audio may be heard Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on CityPost (Channel 21 on Click!, Channel 77 on Comcast). On-demand audio archives are available on the Web within 24 hours of the meeting at http://www.tvtacoma.com .