On every fourth Tuesday of the month, Safe Streets conducts Block Watch organizing training for members of the community who want to start up or strengthen a Block Watch, Neighborhood Watch or Business Watch group in their neighborhood.
Community members acquire tools and skills and learn techniques for setting up meetings, such as recruiting members for their group, setting agendas, developing goals and work plans, identifying and documenting problems, motivating the group, staying focused, taking action to change undesirable conditions, how to follow up on those actions, and working together with neighbors and representatives of community services.
Training is from 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm at the following locations: Tacoma Police Department Headquarters, 3701 S Pine St., Rm. 1210 (July 27); Tacoma Police Department Substation, 5136 North 26th (Aug. 24); Tacoma Police Department Headquarters, 3701 S Pine St., Rm. 1210 (Sept. 28); Garfield Book Store, 208 Garfield St., Rm. #101 (Oct. 26); and Safe Streets, 1501 Pacific Ave. Ste. 305 (Nov. 23).
For more information, call Safe Streets at (253) 272-6824, e-mail dburwell@safest.org or go to http://www.safest.org .