Re: Cederberg/Ross NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORFEIT Pursuant to the

Re: Cederberg/Ross NOTICE OF INTENT TO FORFEIT Pursuant to the Revised Code of Washington, Chapter 61.30.070 Grantor: CEDERBERG, ROY L. CEDERBERG, HELEN I. Grantee: ROSS, DAVID L. ROSS, HELEN I. Abbre. Desc. L 7 & 8, B 9, KENNILWORTH PARK Ref. No. 9805150568 (REC) Tax Parcel No. 494000-0940 TO:David L. Ross and Helen I. Ross State of Texas, Child Support Enforcement State of Washington, Division of Child Support You are hereby notified that Real Estate Contract described below is in default and you are provided the following information with respect thereto: (a) Identification of Seller and Seller's Attorney: Seller's Name and Address: ROY L. CEDERBERG MARTA E. CEDERBERG 6005 North Parkway Tacoma, WA 98407 Tel. Confidential Attorney's Name & Address: STEVE J. CALLSON 902 South 10th St. Tacoma, WA 98405 -ORPO Box 7456 Tacoma, WA 98417 Telephone (253)272-2206 FAX (253)627-6757 (b) Description of Contract: Seller: Roy L. Cederberg and Marta E. Cederberg Purchaser: David L. Ross and Helen I. Ross Dated: May 13, 1998; Recorded: May 15, 1998 Rec. No.: 9805150568 in Pierce County (c) Legal Description of the Property: Lots 7 and 8, Block 9, KENILWORTH PARK, according to plat filed for record in the auditor's office under the name of GREER ADDITION TO TACOMA, and changed to KENILWORTH PARK, TACOMA, by resolution of the city council of Tacoma, according to plat recorded in Book 10 of Plats, page 81, in Pierce County, Washington; EXCEPT the West 8 feet thereof conveyed to the city of Tacoma for alley purposes by deeds of recording Nos. 1509354, 1509369 and 1509374. Tax Parcel No. 49400-0940 Situs: 6816 S. Warner, Tacoma, WA (d) Description of each default under the Contract on which the notice is based: 1. Failure to pay the following past due items, for which the amounts and itemization are given below in (g) and (h): Monthly payments of $341.21 for months May 5, 2012 through April 5, 2013, delinquent payments for taxes, insurance and monthly installments prior to May 2012; late charges (5%); failure to payoff contract on due date 5-5-13. 2. Other Defaults: A. Failure to pay property taxes before delinquent; B. Failure to maintain hazard insurance on improvements, which policy names the seller as a loss payee/ mortgagee; C. Failure to keep the house and property in good repair and not commit waste, willful damage or destruction. (e) Failure to cure all of the defaults listed in (g) and (h) by July 3, 2015, will result in the forfeiture of the Contract. (f) The forfeiture of the Contract will result in the following: (1). All right, title, and interest in the property of the Purchaser and, to the extent elected by the Seller, of all persons claiming through the Purchaser or whose interests are otherwise subordinate to the Seller's interest in the property shall be terminated; (2.) The Purchaser's rights under the Contract shall be canceled; (3) All sums previously paid under the Contract shall belong to and be retained by the Seller or other persons to whom paid and entitled thereto; (4) All of the Purchaser's rights in all improvements made to the property and in unharvested crops and timber thereon shall belong to the Seller; and (5) The Purchaser and all other persons occupying the property whose interests are forfeited shall be required to surrender possession of the property, improvements, and unharvested crops to the Seller, ten days after the Declaration of Forfeiture is recorded (approximately June 3). (g) The following is a statement of payments of money in default (or, where indicated, an estimate thereof) and for any defaults not involving the failure to pay money the action(s) required to cure the default: 1) Monetary Delinquencies: ^Amounts A. 12 monthly payments of $341.21 May 2012 thru April 2013 ^$4,094.52 B. Delinquency for payments, taxes and insurance prior to May, 2012 ^$8,622.00 C. Advances by seller for hazard insurance renewal in 2012, 2013 and 2014 ^$2,406.00 D. Advances by seller for property taxes $1459.68 for 2012; $1393.32 for 2013; 1390.45 for 2014 and $754.54 to date for 2015 ^$4,998.03 E. Late charges of 5% for any payment not make w/i 10 days 12 monthly payments and payoff ^$1,716.00 F. Contract (balloon) payoff due May 5, 2013 ^$30,225.33 G. Interest accrued (8%) since May 5, 2013 $6.6247 per diem ^$4,604.18 TOTAL: ^$56,666.06 2. Action(s) required to cure any nonmonetary default: None required since payoff due date is expired. (h) The following is a statement of other payments, charges, fees, and costs, if any, or, where indicated, an estimate thereof, to cure the default: Item ^Amount 1. Cost of title report ^$438.00 2. Service/ Posting (estimated) ^$65.00 3. Postage (estimated) ^$50.00 4. Copying ^$10.00 5. Recording Fees ^$75.00 6. Attorneys Fee's ^$1225.00 8. ^$ TOTAL ^$1,863.00 The total amount necessary to cure the default is the sum of the amounts in (g) and (h), which is $58,529.06, plus the amount of any payments, late charges, costs, fees, penalties and interest which accrue or fall due after the date of this Notice of Intent to Forfeit and on or prior to the date the default is cured. Monies required to cure the default must be tendered to the following address: Steve J. Callson Attorney at Law 902 South 10th Street Tacoma, WA 98405 FAX (253)272-6439 or Phone (253)272-2206 (i) The person(s) to whom this notice is given may have the right to contest the forfeiture or to seek an extension of time to cure the default if the default does not involve a failure to pay money, or both, by commencing a court action by filing and serving the Summons and Complaint before the Declaration of Forfeiture is recorded. NO EXTENSION IS AVAILABLE FOR DEFAULTS WHICH ARE A FAILURE TO PAY MONEY. (j) The person(s) to whom this notice is given have the right to request a court to order a public sale of the property. Such public sale will be ordered only if the court finds that the fair market value of the property substantially exceeds the debt owed under the Contract and any other liens having priority over the Seller's interest in the property. The excess, if any, of the highest bid at the sale over the debt owed under the Contract will be applied to the liens eliminated by the sale and the balance, if any, and will be paid to the Purchaser under the Contract. Upon any request for a public sale, the court will require the person who requests the sale to deposit the anticipated sale costs with the clerk of the court. Any action to obtain an order for public sale must be commenced by filing and serving a Summons and Complaint before the Declaration of Forfeiture is recorded. (k) The Seller is not required to give any person any other notice of default before the Declaration, which completes the forfeiture, is given, except as provided in the Contract or other agreement as follows: (l) Additional Information: EARLIER NOTICE SUPERSEDED: This Notice of Intent to Forfeit supersedes any Notice of Intent to Forfeit which was previously given under this Contract and which deals with the same defaults. FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT NOTICE: Steve J. Callson is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. DATED: March 31, 2015. STEVE J. CALLSON Attorney for Seller STATE OF WASHINGTON)ss. COUNTY OF PIERCE) On this 31st day of March 2015, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, in and for the State of Washington, duly sworn and commissioned, personally appeared STEVE J. CALLSON, to me known to be the individual described herein and who executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my hand and official seal hereto affixed the day and year in this certificate first above written. /s/AMYLYN K. RIEDLING Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Tacoma. My Commission expires 11-0315 April 3, 10