Puyallup Fair draws just over one-million visitors

Puyallup Fair officials reported Monday that more than one-million people attended this year’s event, which opened Sept. 9 and closed Sept. 25. Still, the official total of 1,059,182 people was down 6,026 from the previous year. “The fair covered the gamut on the weather charts, starting off with the highest temperature of the year,” said spokesperson Karen J. LaFlamme. “While the middle weekend saw rain, the rest of the Fair boasted warm, pleasant weather – until the last day. Driving rain, high winds and sunshine rotated during the day, finishing the Fair in a dramatic way.” The Puyallup Fair started in 1900. For more information, visit http://www.thefair.com .

Puyallup Fair 2011 Numbers

100,000,000+ | Scones served over past 100 years

1,059,182 | Guests attended 2011 Puyallup Fair

$560,000 | Dollar amount of rodeo purse

160,000 | Pounds of food collected for Puyallup Food Bank on opening day

192 | Top rodeo athletes participated