Port of Tacoma PUBLIC NOTICE DETERMINATION OF NONSIGNIFICANCE WAC 197-11-970 Project Name: OCT, NIM, SIM, Stormwater Treatment Infrastructure Improvement Description of Proposal: The Port of Tacoma (Port) is responsible for the stormwater infrastructure at the Olympic Container Terminal (OCT), NorthIntermodal Rail Yard (NIM), and South Intermodal Rail Yard (SIM). The stormwater discharges from the facilities are managed under an Industrial Stormwater General Permit issued to the Port of Tacoma by the Washington Department of Ecology (DOE). The DOE issued an administrative order requiring the Port of Tacoma install runoff treatment systems at all three facilities. To meet the requirements of Ecology's order, the Port is enhancing the current oil/water separators to include onsite treatment. The type of onsite treatment selected depends on the type and amount of the pollutant. The NIM facility will receive a Modular Wetland System (MWS) installed upstream of an existing outfall to Commencement Bay. The MWS is a hybrid stormwater treatment system that is comprised of a concrete vault installed at grade and open at the surface with manufactured soil and wetland facultative vegetation. The MWS will be placed landward of the Ordinary High Water Mark (OHWM) of Commencement Bay. The modular wetland structure is delivered pre-assembled. A hole approximately 9 foot wide, 21 foot wide and 15 feet deep will be excavated for placement of the MWS and connection with the existing stormwater utilities. The total volume of excavation will not exceed 671 cubic yards. Excavated materials will consist of asphalt, gravel, and fill soils. Manufacture approved filter media (soil) will be placed into the MWS treatment system. The filter media is engineered to provide sufficient contact time to capture and retain pollutants. Plants species will be appropriate facultative species. The area around the structure will be backfilled with native backfill. Excess soil will be tested and transported to an approved disposal facility. An Up-Flow treatment system will be installed at the OCT facility. This site is entirely paved. There are five existing outfalls that drain to the Sitcum Waterway and a treatment device will be installed upstream of each outfall. The treatment devices will be placed in paved areas located landward of the OHWM of the Sitcum Waterway. Each area will be excavated and the Up-Flow treatment system will be installed below grade. The area of excavation will be approximately 6 foot wide, 12 foot wide and 15 feet deep. The volume of excavation will not exceed 515 cubic yards at each location. The area around the structure will be backfilled with native backfill and resurfaced with asphalt. A Jellyfish Filter System will be installed at two SIM facility locations. Each structure will be entirely below grade and installation will require excavation of approximately 6 foot wide, 12 foot wide and 15 feet deep. The volume of excavation will not exceed 515 cubic yards at each location. After the filtration units are placed, the area will be backfilled with native backfill and resurfaced with asphalt. Proponent: Port of Tacoma Location of proposal, including street address, if any: The project is proposed at three locations: 1) Olympic Container Terminal (OCT) is located at 710 Port of Tacoma Road in Tacoma, WA. The tax parcel is 2275200633. 2) North Intermodal (NIM) Rail Yard is located at 2207 E 11th ST in Tacoma, WA. The tax parcel is 2275200633. 3) South Intermodal (SIM) Rail Yard is located at 1101 Milwaukee Way in Tacoma, WA. The tax parcel is 2275200650. All three sites are located in Section 34, Township 21 North, Range 3 East W.M. Pierce County, Washington. Lead agency: Port of Tacoma The lead agency for this proposal has determined that the project does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 43.21C.030(2)(c). This decision was made after review of a completed environmental checklist and other information on file with the lead agency. Additional project and/or State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) information is available upon request at the Port of Tacoma's Administrative building, located at One Sitcum Plaza, Tacoma, WA 98421 or at the Port's website at http:// www.portoftacoma.com/sepa. Comments and Request for Reconsideration: This determination of nonsignificance (DNS) is issued under Chapter 197-11-340(2) Washington Administrative Code (WAC). Pursuant to Port policy, all interested parties shall have 14 calendar days to comment on the proposed SEPA threshold determination. Only those who commented within the 14 day comment period shall have standing to file a Request for Reconsideration. Any challenge to a SEPA threshold determination shall be initiated by filing a Request for Reconsideration with the Responsible Official or designee no later than seven calendar days following the end of the 14 day comment period for the SEPA determination. The lead agency will not act on this proposal for 14 days from the start date of the comment period described below. Comments shall be submitted to the Port of Tacoma, Environmental Programs, C/O Diana Meister at One Sitcum Plaza, Tacoma, WA 98421 or at the Port's website at http://www.portoftacoma.com/sepa. Comment Start Date: September 11, 2013 Comment End Date: September 25, 2013 Request for Reconsideration End Date: October 2, 2013 September 10