PIERCE TRANSIT REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/PROPOSALS FOR CONSULTING SERVICES TO CONDUCT A HIGH CAPACITY TRANSIT FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE PACIFIC AVENUE S/SR 7 CORRIDOR SPECIFICATION NO. PT-24-16 PIERCE TRANSIT is a municipal corporation with administrative offices located at 3701 96th Street SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499-4431. Statements of Qualifications/Proposals are being solicited from consultant teams who have knowledge and experience in Conducting High Capacity Transit Feasibility Studies. You must be a registered vendor on our eBids website to download Request for Qualifications/Proposal documents. You can access eBids to get registered from our Agency website at www.piercetransit.org/purchasing. A Pre-Submittal Meeting will be held June 27, 2016, 1:30 p.m. in a conference room at Pierce Transit, 3701 96th Street SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499-4431. All prospective respondents are encouraged to attend. The Pre-Submittal Meeting will provide the opportunity to review the requirements and intent of the Contract documents. Statements of Qualifications/Proposals will be accepted by Purchasing at Pierce Transit Headquarters until 4:00 p.m. July 22, 2016, and must be addressed to Naomi Graham, Purchasing Coordinator, Pierce Transit, 3701 96th Street SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499-4431; or P.O. Box 99070, Lakewood, Washington 98496-0070. PIERCE TRANSIT Naomi Graham Purchasing Coordinator ADVERTISED: Tacoma Daily Index Daily Journal of Commerce OMWBE Transit Talent IDX-703624 June 7