PIERCE TRANSIT is a municipal corporation with administrative offices located at 3701 96th Street SW, Lakewood, Washington 98499-443. Pierce Transit is requesting bids from firms qualified and interested in providing Monthly Security System Maintenance and Testing Services.
Sensitive Security Information
All documents associated with this bid solicitation are considered Sensitive Security Information. Potential bidders must sign and submit a Non-Disclosure Agreement to receive the RFB and supporting documentation.
A Non-Disclosure Agreement
(NDA) Form must be completed and received by Pierce Transit, emailed attention to Luis Hernadnez, Contract Coordinator at lhernandez@piercetransit.org in order to receive the Request for Proposal documents. Upon the receipt of the NDA the RFB documents will then be provided electronically via-email. The Non-Disclosure Agreement Form can be requested from: lhernandez@piercetransit.org .
A pre-bid conference has been set
for January 17, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Via Microsoft Teams. Potential bidders are strongly encouraged to attend.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Or call in (audio only)
+1 206-899-2838,,936429873# United States, Seattle Phone Conference ID: 936 429 873#
Sealed bids will be received at
Pierce Transit’s headquarters, main lobby reception counter, 3701 96th St. SW, Lakewood, Washington until 10:00 a.m. on January 24, 2023, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
All inquiries regarding the contents
and requirements of this Bid must be in writing and directed to: Luis Hernandez, Contract Coordinator via email lhernandez@piercetransit.org
Sensitive Security Information
A Non-Disclosure Agreement
(NDA) Form must be completed and received by Pierce Transit, emailed attention to Luis Hernadnez, Contract Coordinator at lhernandez@piercetransit.org in order to receive the Request for Proposal documents. Upon the receipt of the NDA the RFB documents will then be provided electronically via-email. The Non-Disclosure Agreement Form can be requested from: lhernandez@piercetransit.org .
ADVERTISED Tacoma Daily Index
Daily Journal of Commerce OMWBE
January 10, 2023