PIERCE TRANSIT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FARE REVISION PROPOSAL Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by Pierce Transit as part of the Board of Commissioners' meeting on February 9, 2015, at 4:00 p.m. at Pierce Transit's Training Center, Rainier Room, located at 3720 96th Street SW, Lakewood, Washington. The purpose of the hearing will be to accept oral and written testimony relevant to the fare revision proposal. On July 14, 2014, the Pierce Transit Board of Commissioners authorized amending Pierce Transit Code Section 3.72, Fare Schedule. The fare changes eliminated paper transfers and added an All-Day Pass to the Pierce Transit fare structure. The Gig Harbor Trolley Fares are at a reduced rate as a result of community partnership funds pledged by the City of Gig Harbor to support the Gig Harbor Trolley service. The proposed change to the Trolley Fare adds an All-Day Pass for Pierce Transit Trolley Fare: ^Current^Proposed ^Trolley^Trolley ^Fare^Fare Gig Harbor Trolley Cash Fare^$.50^$.50 Gig Harbor Trolley Monthly Pass ^$18.00^$18.00 Gig Harbor Trolley Senior & Disabled Cash Fare with Regional Reduced Fare Permit^Free^Free Gig Harbor Trolley Youth Fare Cash Fare^$.50^$.50 Gig Harbor Trolley Youth Monthly Pass ^$18.00^$18.00 Gig Harbor Adult and Youth All-Day Pass^NA^$1.00 If you cannot attend the public hearing, written comments may be mailed to: Pierce Transit, Attn.: Jay Peterson, PO Box 99070, Lakewood, WA 98496-0070; or email jpeterson@piercetransit.org; or call Customer Service at 253.581.8000. Comments must be received by February 6, 2015. Registered SHUTTLE customers may obtain specialized transportation to and from the hearing by calling SHUTTLE at 253-581-8000, option 2, from one to five days in advance of the hearing. An interpreter for the hearing impaired will be provided upon request with a minimum notice of two weeks. Deanne Jacobson, CMC Clerk of the Board Published in the Tacoma Daily Index and the Tacoma News Tribune on January 27, 2015