Pierce County News: Pierce County Council

Pierce County Council
Regular Meeting
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
Room 1045
County-City Building
930 Tacoma Ave. South

Proposal No. 2003-77, vacating a portion of Park Injunction Road right-of-way located in the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 15 North, Range 5 East of the Willamette Meridian, in the Elbe area.

Proposal No. 2003-78, levying an assessment in 2003, for collection in 2004, against land in Pierce County for the control of noxious weeds.

Proposal No. 2003-79, vacating an portion of 192nd Street East, located in the Northeast Quarter of Section 4, Township 18 North, Range 3 East of the Willamette Meridian, in the Spanaway area.

Proposal No. 2003-81, amending Section 14.20.040 of the Pierce County Code, “Facilities Use Fees,” by amending park facilities fees schedules, adding new fees for parks and recreation activities and facilities; and establishing an effective date for the new fees.

Proposal No. 2003-83, ratifying the collective bargaining agreement with the Pierce County Juvenile Court Guild; and amending the Pierce County Salary Classification Plan.

Action on Resolutions
Proposal No. R2003-98, approving the 2003 General Comprehensive Plan for a water system for the East Gig Harbor Water District.

Message from the Executive
A message from the Executive transmitting the following Ordinance, which was approved and signed on July 28, 2003:

Ordinance No. 2003-50, amending Section 3.12.030 of the Pierce County Code, “Ethical Standards and Prohibited Practices Enumerated” by increasing the amount of permitted monetary contributions from county personnel from $50 to $100 per calender year per candidate for elected county office.

Proclamations, appointments
Proposal No. R2003-105, proclaiming the week of August 11-18, as Sister City Cultural Baseball Exchange Week in majestic Pierce County.

Proposal No. R2003-99, appointing three new commissioners to the Drainage District No. 24 Board of Commissioners, to fill existing vacancies. (Dick Wooding, Bryan Stowe, John Welch)

Proposal No. 2003-44, adopting a new Chapter 2.89 of the Pierce County Code, “Tacoma Narrows Airport Advisory Commission.”

A substitute Ordinance with the following title will be before the Council on August 12, for consideration:

Proposal No. 2003-44s, adopting a new Chapter 2.89 of the Pierce County Code, “Tacoma Narrows Airport Advisory Commission”; and amending Chapter 2.58 of the Pierce County Code, “Gig Harbor Peninsula Advisory Commission” to transfer its review responsibilities regarding the Tacoma Narrows Airport to the Tacoma Narrows Airport Advisory Commission.

Proposal No. 2003-71, ratifying the collective bargaining agreement reached with Pierce County Deputy Sheriff’s Independent Guild, Local 1889, Community Service Officers Unite; and amending the Pierce County Salary Classification Plan.

Proposal No. R2003-61, confirming the appointment of 11 members to the Tacoma Narrows Airport Advisory Commission. (Councilmember Terry Lee, Carl Geist, Paul McCormick, Hugh Morgan, Brian O’Neil, Steve Osguthorpe, Mike Pickett, Harding Roe, Jay Shaddox, Deena Turmo, Ann Whittaker)

This is an incomplete agenda. The Index prints as much as space allows.