Pierce County News: Pierce County Council

Pierce County Council
Regular Meeting
3 p.m. Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Room 1045
County-City Building
930 Tacoma Ave. South

Action on Ordinances
Proposal No. 2003-104s, updating the Growth Management Act population allocations to the cities, towns and unincorporated areas of Pierce County for the year 2022; and adopting findings of fact.

Proposal No. 2004-10, granting a nonexclusive franchise to Sylvia Lake Water Supply, Inc., for location of waterlines on certain county owned rights-of-way; and authorizing the County Executive to execute said franchise.

Proposal No. 2004-11, granting a nonexclusive franchise to Riviera Community Club for location of waterlines on certain county owned rights-of-way; and authorizing the County Executive to execute said franchise.

Proposal No. 2004-12, amending Chapter 19C.10 of the Pierce County Code, procedures for amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment cycles; and adopting findings of fact.

Proposal No. 2003-127, amending Section 8.88.170 of the Pierce County Code, “Reckless Operation”; and adopting a new Section 8.88.165 of the Pierce County Code, “Negligent Operation.”

Proposal No. 2003-128s, amending Section 8.88.360 of the Pierce County Code, “Personal Watercraft.”

Proposal No. 2003-134s, amending Sections 8.88.040 and 8.88.250 and adopting new Sections 8.88.252 and 8.88.254 of the Pierce County Code, “Watercraft Regulations” to address impoundment of derelict or abandoned vessels.

Action on Ordinances
Proposal No. R2003-142s, accepting the “Sprinker Recreation Center Master Site Plan and Pre-Design, Phase II Report,” dated July 31, 2003; endorsing the action plan; establishing the sequence and timing of Stage 1, Stage 2, future stage improvements and reserved programs; establishing other action items; and requesting that the County Executive and Parks and Recreation Services Department seek alternative funding sources to implement the Stage 1 improvements prior to the 2005 budget cycle.

Proposal No. R2004-17, calling for an election on __________ for the purposes of submitting to the affected voters the question of whether to form a metropolitan park district whose boundaries are coterminus with the boundaries of the Key Peninsula Park and Recreation District in unincorporated Pierce County and on the election of the five Metropolitan Park Commissioners; and requesting that the Prosecuting Attorney write an appropriate ballot title.

Proposal No. R2004-34, declaring its intent to vacate Lybecker Drive Northwest in the west half of Section 4 and the east half of Section 5, Township 21 North, Range 2 East, of the Willamette Meridian, in the Gig Harbor area; and directing the County Engineer to examine the intended vacation and report the findings and conclusions thereof to the council.

This is an incomplete agenda for the Feb. 24 meeting of the County Council. The Index prints as much as space allows.